Juarez definitely had an impact on my upbringing and life. Frankly, I can't
believe some of the things I remember, and more significantly, worry about the
things I can't remember. Initially, preparing this web site, I thought it might
just be me, but now know otherwise. Following are comments I have received from
others, either sourced or anonymous, depending on the circumstances.
Fred's Bars in Juarez — Remember the walk
from the bridge? Circa 1966. Old Fred's Bar was the one with $.25 ham &
cheese sandwiches and great rum & coke. New Fred's Bar was the
other one.
Cavern of Music — Someone told me they thought this place was the downstairs bar where you always got a gardenia.
El Submarino — The other one I personally remember was The Sub, three blocks across the
bridge and downstairs. Believe it was the one that sold the "Nada" drink
with the proviso that if you bought and drank three in an hour, walked to the
bridge and back, all the rest of your drinks that night were free. Believe it or
not, I took this picture in the late 70's (probably 75 or 76) when I took
someone to see the glass factory in Juarez.
Classmate Quotes —
I can't remember
much and what I do remember I don't want in print. You can print that. Steve

Juarez Dog Track — As best as I can tell, it is now closed. Went there
several times but never got too excited about it. Main thing I remember is the
daylight drive to the place and seeing all the homes with tall adobe and/or
concrete fences with the broken bottles on top. Original security system