Kidnapped Breakfast Adults
Circa 1960

My 7th grade teacher, Mrs. Bobbie Shannon, arranged with the parents of her students to "kidnap" them one Saturday morning. Our parents were instructed to pack us a bag of clothes to have waiting at Mrs. Shannon's house for that morning. Then sometime before the crack of dawn, we were all dragged from our beds and taken away in pajamas — some of us with our hair still in rollers! We arrived at Mrs. Shannon's house to find the rest of our class and some of the other teachers and parents. After getting over the mortification of the boys seeing the girls in pajamas vice versa, we were allowed to get dressed and had a fun morning which did include eating breakfast and playing games. Imagine teachers trying to "kidnap" their students today!


Top Row
Mrs. Walker, Mr. Rankin, Mr. Gregory, Mr. Bunton
Bottom Row
Dean Toland (Don's mother), Mrs. Koelbl (Dale's mother), Mrs. Bobbie Shannon

Kidnapped Breakfast "Kids"


Robert Rutledge, Dale Koebel,  Don Farnsworth,  Don Toland, Roy Rizzuto
(I believe the small boy in front is Mrs. Shannon's son)


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