Missouri Road Maps
Kansas City, Jackson Co., is in the top left corner
(1920-1950 W O Nelson)
Fristoe, Benton Co., is indicated by the green arrow
(1910 W J Lord)
Cross Timbers, Hickory Co., is just south
(1900-1930 J F Nelson, 1910 W O Nelson)
Lathrop, Clinton Co., is about 40 miles N NE of Kansas City
(1870, 1880 W J Lord, Nimrod Lord, 1870-1910 Thomas Warrington)
Adams township, De Kalb Co., is just north of Clinton Co.
(1900 W J Lord)
Missouri Road Maps -
Fristoe, Benton Co.,
is indicated by the green arrow
(1910 W J Lord & Family)
If you blow up this map with your browser, you will be able to see Warsaw on
the left, south on 85 Fristoe and further south Cross Timbers. This is where
the W J Lord family of six children were raised from sometime between 1901
and 1910 until they left the home. William Joseph Lord died in Nov 1923 and
apparently Willard "Uncle Pete" Lord bought the "homestead and Vera and
Claude Miller lived there for some time after their marriage in 1922 until
they moved up the road. In 1880 family was in Lathrop, Clinton Co-N of KC,
1883-1900 the children were born in Kidder, Caldwell Co., OH which is east
of Clinton County, 1900 in Adams DeKalb Co. N of Clinton, and 1910 in
Fristoe, Benton Co. S SE of KC). One of the grandchildren of William and
Elizabeth Lord has the following memories.
Uncle Pete (Willard Lord ) bought the family homestead in Fristoe by Turkey
Creek in southeast Benton County MO and let Claude and Vera (Lord) Miller
live there. Vera, told of coming to Fristoe from Lathrop in a wagon. Mary
and Bill Burns were older and never hung out much with the six cousins,
Roberta and Doris Nelson, Francis "Raymond" and Betty Breibeck, and Sybil
and Paul Miller. This ancestor remembered going to school in a one room
schoolhouse, hanging around with the six cousins at the homestead and
swimming in the creek and coming out with leeches all over. When Claude and
Vera lived there, (and presumably before) it was just a log cabin with no
outhouse and no toilet, the kids went out and used a favorite rock. (This
would have been after 1930 or so).
Coincidentally, my family used to vacation at Lake of the Ozarks in the late
50's an early 60's and stayed at the Thunderbird Lodge and hung around the
areas of Osage Beach, Sunrise Beach, and Camdenton, with a childhood friend
of my mother and her husband, Pat & Wanda. They eventually got their own
place and we stayed there on the lake front. - see the right side of the