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In the preparation of ALL
pages of my sites, every effort has been made to offer
the most
current, correct and clearly expressed information as possible.
Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur, and applicable laws,
rules and regulations often change.
Further, the information contained herein is intended to afford
general guidelines on matters of interest.
The application and
impact of the laws can vary widely, however,
from case to case,
based upon the specific or unique facts involved.
Accordingly, the
information in this site is not intended to serve as
accounting, tax or any other type of advice.
Users are encouraged to
consult with Ray Shasteen for advice concerning any specific
Ray Shasteen specifically disclaims responsibility for any
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As such,
we make no representation as to the accuracy or any aspect
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Please advise of any errors, omissions or broken links.
Any questions regarding this Website should go to

Copyright © 1995-2014, Ray Shasteen. All rights reserved.
rev. 01 Mar 2014